Initial design

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I would like the take the very first paragraph to get the logical basics down. Programming implementation down the road is “just” a question of a language syntax.

Before I wrote anything there was reconnaisance to be made. With the help of the Chrome Developer tools I recorded the steps needed to login to the overview page (automatic redirect).

Login consists of the two levels:

  1. Login with the e-mail which takes us to the overview of servers and already active accounts
  2. Login to the specific account

Firstly I needed to set the minimum goal. The goal was to successfully login to the game and just output the pure html; if successful I would get the wall of text in the console, otherwise just a short piece of redirect code (HTTP 3011).

Using for quick and dirty test.

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If successful, the post request should return the token, among other things.

Request url:

Request method:


Request body:

Request valid response body:


Request invalid response body:


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Process diagram: POST form data –> receive valid response –> receive invalid response

Let’s see how the first step looks like. Used library: request-promise 2 Success criteria: fetch all the accounts bound to the user/player

const rp = require('request-promise')
var user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Safari/537.36';
const tough = require('tough-cookie');
var jar = rp.jar();

var links = {
	post: '',
	accounts: ''

login_post_options = {
			method: 'POST',
			headers: {'User-Agent': user_agent},
			form: {				
				'identity': '',
				'password': 'Scraper12345',
				'locale': 'de_DE',
				'gfLang': 'de',
				'platformGameId': '1dfd8e7e-6e1a-4eb1-8c64-03c3b62efd2f',
				'gameEnvironmentId': '0a31d605-ffaf-43e7-aa02-d06df7116fc8',
				'autoGameAccountCreation': 'false'
			jar: jar,
			resolveWithFullResponse: true,
			json: true

get_options = {
	accounts: {
		method: 'GET',
		uri: links.accounts,
		headers: {
			'User-Agent': user_agent,
			'Authorization': null
		followAllRedirects: false,
		jar: jar,
		resolveWithFullResponse: true,
		json: true

async function set_authorization_token(token) {
	get_options.accounts.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + token;

async function get_accounts () {
try {
	//first post request - 1st step login
	let post = await rp(login_post_options)
	//get all the accounts
	let account = await rp(get_options.accounts);
	return account.body;
	catch (error) {

get_accounts().then(result => console.dir(result,{depth: null}));

  1. More on HTTP codes: 

  2., deprecated as of 1st of April 2020